'<== comment some SmallBasic for Bpf started 2015-03-20 'case and indents, insensitive func etc(r, c, rc) 'just to be safe using LOCAL i local i rc3 = rc - 9 if rc3 < 0 then rc3 = rc3 + 15 color rc, rc3 locate r, c print ucase("hello world") for i = 10 to 1 step -1 if i mod 2 then color 15,9 else color 0,14 '<=== this is a comment, this=> ? is equavlent to print locate 11 - i + r, c ? string(i, "*") next 'OK this does work commented out ???? 'sorry, something wasn't from my cut and paste 'etc=1 end function '====================================================== main 'Have you discovered the neat change case in the Edit menu ? '3: modes, Modes, MODES r = 10 rd = -.5 while 1 FOR i = -3.14 TO 3.14 step 6.28 / 12 #if r > 9 then rd = -.125 #if r < 7 then rd = .125 #r = r + rd 'screens may be different VVV (rounder circle for B+) V d = etc(int(sin(i+dx) * atan(i*2.5+5)*5.3) + 14, int(cos(i+dy) * atan(i*2.5+7) *25) + 50, abs(i * 100) mod 16) NEXT if inkey = chr(27) then end delay 50 dx+=.087264 :dy+=.087264 color 0,15 cls wend